Cost of Hiring an Accountant for Self-Assessment Tax Returns - More Than Accountants

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Cost of Hiring an Accountant for Self-Assessment Tax Returns

Cost of Hiring an Accountant for Self-Assessment Tax Returns

If you’re a self-employed individual in the UK, you’ll need to file a self-assessment tax return each year. While you can do this yourself, many people choose to hire an accountant to handle the process for them. But how much does it cost for an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return? In this article, we’ll explore the various factors that can affect the cost of hiring an accountant for this task.

The cost of hiring an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return can vary depending on a number of factors. For example, the complexity of your business can play a role in determining the cost. If you have a relatively simple business with few expenses and no employees, your tax return will likely be less complex than that of a business with many employees and a high volume of expenses. Additionally, the cost can vary depending on how far in advance of the filing deadline you begin working with your accountant. If you wait until the last minute, you may end up paying more for their services.

It’s also worth noting that the cost of hiring an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return may be affected by the specific accountant you choose to work with. Some accountants may charge more than others, depending on their level of experience and the services they offer. Additionally, some accountants may offer a flat fee for their services, while others may charge an hourly rate. By understanding these factors, you can better determine how much you can expect to pay for an accountant to handle your self-assessment tax return.

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Understanding Self-Assessment

All individuals who are self-employed or own a business must file a self-assessment tax return with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) every year. It’s a way to report your income and expenses, paying tax due on profits. For an in-depth guide, read What Is Self-Assessment?.

What Is Self-Assessment?

Self-assessment is a system used by HMRC to collect income tax. It requires you to report your income and expenses for the tax year, which runs from 6 April to 5 April the following year. You need to submit a self-assessment tax return to HMRC by the filing deadline, which is usually 31 January following the end of the tax year.

Who Needs to File a Self-Assessment Tax Return?

If you are self-employed, a director, a landlord, or a sole trader, you will need to file a self-assessment tax return. You may also need to file a tax return if you have other sources of income, such as savings, investments, or rental income.

Depending on your business type, you might need specialised accounting services:

Key HMRC Deadlines and Penalties

The filing deadline for self-assessment tax returns is 31 January following the end of the tax year. If you file your tax return after this date, you will be charged a penalty. The penalty is £100 if you file up to three months late, and then £10 per day up to a maximum of £900 if you file more than three months late.

If you miss the filing deadline, you will also be charged interest on any tax you owe. The interest rate is currently 2.6%.

You can file your tax return online or by paper form. The online filing deadline is 31 January following the end of the tax year, while the paper filing deadline is 31 October following the end of the tax year. If you file your tax return online, you will have an extra three months to pay any tax you owe.

The Role of an Accountant in Self-Assessment

If you are a self-employed individual or a business owner, you are required to file a self-assessment tax return every year. This can be a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the UK tax system. This is where an accountant comes in. In this section, we will discuss the role of an accountant in self-assessment and why you should consider hiring one.

Why Hire an Accountant?

Hiring an accountant can save you time, reduce stress, and ensure accuracy in your tax returns. They can navigate the complexities of the UK tax system and identify potential tax deductions and credits. For insights into selecting the right professional for your needs, consider reading How to Choose a Contractor Accountant.

Advantages of Using a Professional Accountant

There are several advantages to using a professional accountant for your self-assessment tax return. Firstly, they have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that your tax return is accurate and complete. They can also help you avoid costly mistakes that could result in penalties or fines.

Secondly, a professional accountant can save you time. They can take care of all the paperwork and calculations, leaving you free to focus on running your business. They can also help you meet important deadlines, ensuring that your tax return is filed on time.

Finally, using a professional accountant can give you peace of mind. You can be confident that your tax return is being handled by a qualified and experienced professional who is up-to-date with the latest UK tax laws and regulations.

Selecting the Right Accountant

When selecting an accountant for your self-assessment tax return, it is important to choose someone who is qualified and experienced. Look for a chartered or ACCA certified accountant, as they have undergone rigorous training and are held to high professional standards.

You may also want to consider hiring a local accountant or freelance accountant who is familiar with your industry and the local tax laws. They may be able to provide more personalised and tailored advice than a larger accounting firm.

Choosing an accountant is a significant decision. It’s important to select someone who is qualified and experienced, and who understands your industry and local tax laws. For more on this topic, read A Guide to Choosing the Right Type of Accountant.

Cost Factors for Accountant Services

If you are a business owner or director, you may need to file a self-assessment tax return with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) each year. While you can complete your tax return yourself, hiring an accountant can save you time and reduce the risk of errors. However, the cost of hiring an accountant can vary depending on several factors. In this section, we will discuss the cost factors for accountant services.

Determining Accountant Fees

The cost of hiring an accountant for a self-assessment tax return typically ranges from £200 to £300, but this can vary based on several factors including the complexity of your return, your income, and other financial considerations. For a deeper understanding of what you might expect to pay, read Much Cost Hire Employee which breaks down various costs associated with professional services.

Additional Costs for Complex Returns

If your self-assessment tax return is more complex, you may need to pay additional fees. For example, if you own a limited company, you may need to file accounts with Companies House in addition to your tax return. The cost of hiring an accountant for a limited company can range from £60 to £250+vat per month for accounts, tax returns, and payroll. If you are a partnership, you may also need to file a partnership tax return, which can be more complex than a personal tax return.

In conclusion, the cost of hiring an accountant for your self-assessment tax return will depend on several factors. While the cost can vary, hiring an accountant can save you time and reduce the risk of errors.

Preparing for Your Tax Return

Preparation is key when approaching your tax return. Gathering all necessary documentation and understanding allowable deductions can make the process smoother. For a comprehensive list of what you’ll need, review the Company Year-End Accounts Checklist for Limited Companies.

Gathering Necessary Documentation

Before you begin filling out your tax return, you’ll need to gather all the necessary documentation. This includes your employment information, pension income, and any other income you received over the tax year. You’ll also need your P45 and P60 forms, which your employer should have provided you with.

In addition to your income information, you’ll need to gather all your receipts and other documentation for any business expenses you incurred over the tax year. This includes both physical and digital receipts, so make sure you have good records of all your expenses.

Understanding Allowable Deductions

When preparing your tax return, it’s important to understand which expenses are allowable deductions. Allowable deductions are expenses that you can subtract from your income, reducing the amount of tax you owe. Some common allowable deductions include business expenses, travel expenses, and office expenses.

It’s important to note that not all expenses are valid expenses for tax purposes. For example, personal expenses are not allowable deductions. Make sure you understand which expenses are valid and keep good records of all your expenses so you can claim the maximum amount of tax relief possible.

By following these tips and keeping good records of all your expenses, you can make the process of preparing your tax return much easier and less stressful. Remember to keep your Government Gateway password and UTR number safe and secure, as you’ll need these to submit your tax return online.

The Self-Assessment Process

If you are self-employed, you will need to complete a self-assessment tax return. This involves calculating your income, expenses, and any tax deductions you are entitled to. You must then submit your tax return to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and pay any tax you owe.

Completing the Tax Return

To complete your tax return, you will need to gather all the relevant information, including your income figures, expenses, and any other relevant financial information. You will also need your Government Gateway password and your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number.

You can complete your tax return manually or use an online app. If you choose to complete your tax return manually, you will need to download the relevant forms from the HMRC website. If you use an online app, you can enter your figures directly into the app, and the app will calculate your tax bill for you.

Online Submission and Payment

Once you have completed your tax return, you will need to submit it to HMRC. You can do this online using the HMRC website. You will also need to pay any tax you owe online.

When you submit your tax return online, you will receive a confirmation from HMRC. You will also receive a calculation of your tax bill. If you owe tax, you will need to pay it by the deadline. If you are due a refund, HMRC will send it to you.

Overall, completing a self-assessment tax return can be a complex process. However, with the right information and tools, you can complete your tax return accurately and on time.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

When it comes to self-assessment tax returns, there are a number of potential challenges that you may face. Here are some of the most common challenges and solutions to help you avoid them:

Common Errors to Avoid

One of the biggest challenges when completing a self-assessment tax return is making mistakes. These mistakes can be costly, as they can result in fines and penalties from HMRC. To avoid making mistakes, it is important to take your time and double-check all of your figures before submitting your tax return. You can also consider using accounting software to help you keep track of your income and expenses throughout the year.

Dealing with HMRC Inquiries

Another potential challenge when completing a self-assessment tax return is dealing with inquiries from HMRC. If HMRC believes that your tax return is incorrect or incomplete, they may launch an inquiry to investigate. This can be a stressful and time-consuming process, but there are steps you can take to make it easier. For example, if you have kept good records throughout the year, you should be able to provide HMRC with the information they need to resolve the inquiry quickly and efficiently.

It is also important to seek guidance from a qualified accountant if you are unsure about any aspect of your tax return. An experienced accountant can help you navigate the complex tax laws and regulations, and can provide you with valuable advice and support throughout the self-assessment process.

In conclusion, completing a self-assessment tax return can be a challenging and stressful process, but by taking your time, avoiding mistakes, and seeking guidance when necessary, you can ensure that your tax return is accurate and complete, and avoid fines and penalties from HMRC.

Additional Services and Considerations

Tax Planning and Advice

While the cost of hiring an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return may seem high, it is important to consider the value of the additional services they can offer. One of the most significant benefits is tax planning and advice. An experienced accountant can help you identify tax-saving opportunities and ensure that you are taking advantage of all available tax deductions and credits. They can also provide guidance on how to structure your business to minimise your tax liability.

Beyond the Tax Return: Ongoing Support

Another important consideration when hiring an accountant for your self-assessment tax return is the level of ongoing support they can offer. Annual accounts, business income, rental income, turnover, revenue, and spending can all be complex areas that require ongoing attention. An accountant can provide peace of mind by offering ongoing support and advice throughout the year, not just at tax time.

In addition to traditional in-person services, many accountants now offer virtual services. This can be a convenient option if you are short on time or prefer to work remotely. Some accountants also offer an expedited service for an additional fee, which can be useful if you need to file your tax return quickly.

Beyond just filing a tax return, accountants can provide ongoing support and valuable tax planning advice. Understanding the full scope of services can give you a clearer picture of the value provided. Read about The Value of Bookkeeping Software for Small Businesses to get an idea of additional services you might benefit from.


In conclusion, hiring an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return can provide you with peace of mind and reduce stress. While the cost may vary depending on the complexity of your business and how far ahead of the filing date you work, the average cost is around £250-£300.

However, it is important to note that the cost-effective option may not always be the best option. It is important to find a qualified and experienced accountant who can provide you with accurate and reliable advice.

By hiring an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return, you can ensure that your tax return is completed accurately and on time, giving you peace of mind and reducing your stress levels.

Overall, it is recommended that you consider hiring an accountant to do your self-assessment tax return, especially if you have a complex tax situation or if you want to ensure that your tax return is completed accurately and on time.


Can I File My Own Tax Return?

Yes, you can file your own self-assessment tax return. However, it is important to note that self-assessment can be complex and time-consuming, and mistakes can be costly. If you are confident in your ability to file your own tax return, you can do so by registering for self-assessment with HMRC. However, if you are unsure about the process or have a complex tax situation, it is advisable to seek the help of a qualified accountant.

How Can I Reduce My Accounting Fees?

There are several ways to reduce your accounting fees. Firstly, you can ensure that your records are up to date and accurate. This will save your accountant time and reduce the amount of work they need to do. Secondly, you can provide your accountant with all the necessary information and documents in a timely manner. This will help them to complete your tax return quickly and efficiently. Finally, you can negotiate with your accountant to agree on a fixed fee or a payment plan that suits your budget.

What Are the Benefits of Timely Filing?

Filing your tax return on time has several benefits. Firstly, it helps you to avoid fines and penalties for late filing. Secondly, it ensures that you receive any tax refunds you are owed in a timely manner. Finally, it helps you to avoid the stress and hassle of rushing to file your tax return at the last minute.

It is important to note that the deadline for filing your self-assessment tax return is 31st January each year. Failure to file your tax return by this deadline can result in fines and penalties. Therefore, it is advisable to start preparing your tax return as soon as possible to ensure that you meet the deadline.

In conclusion, filing your self-assessment tax return can be complex and time-consuming. However, with the help of a qualified accountant, you can ensure that your tax return is filed accurately and on time. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can also reduce your accounting fees and enjoy the benefits of timely filing.

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